Breaking News

बाबा साहेब भीम रॉ अम्बेडकर में नया सत्र से कॉलेज में ऑनलाइन नामांकन

Online nomination in college from new session in Baba Saheb Bheem Raw Ambedkar  

BRA Bihar's newest ADMISSINO online enrollment will be done in the College of Bachelor's degree. The university administration is preparing this preparation. Students can see their marks and certificate on the website of the University. 

  • Students will not be bitten by the university 
  • Graduate Part III results will be released in 45 days
  • In the April 1st and 2nd exams, Dr. OP Raman said that the plan to take up the graduation examination is scheduled till April and the results will be released soon.  

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